Tag Module

Contains commands for manipulating tags.


!add <tag(s)> <arbitrary string>

Adds [arbitrary string] to [tags]. If the item already exists, simply adds the tags to the existing item.


The name of a tag. Specify multiple tags with "tag1+tag2" (with quotes if there are spaces).

arbitrary string

Arbitrary string to add tags to. Quotes aren't necessary, but cannot be empty.


!gettags <arbitrary string>

Returns all tags associated with [arbitrary string], or tells you the item has no tags

arbitrary string

Arbitrary string to get the tags of. Quotes aren't necessary, but cannot be empty.


!remove [tag(s)] <arbitrary string>

Removes [arbitrary string] from [tags], unless [tags] is *, in which case it removes it from all tags.


(optional) The name of a tag. Specify multiple tags with "tag1+tag2" (with quotes if there are spaces), or use * to remove it from all tags.

arbitrary string

Arbitrary string to remove from the given tags. If this has spaces, don't omit the tag argument - use * instead.


!tags [tag(s)]

Lists all the tags in this server, or the contents of a specific tag search string.


(optional) An optional arbitrary tag search using the syntax tag1|(tag2+(-tag3)), which translates to tag1 OR (tag2 AND NOT tag3).


!pick [tag(s)]

Picks a random item from the given tags and displays it. If no tags are given, picks an item at random from all possible tags.


(optional) An arbitrary tag search using the syntax tag1|(tag2+(-tag3)), which translates to tag1 OR (tag2 AND NOT tag3). If set to *, picks from all tags.


!new <tag>

Creates a new tag with the given name, provided the tag does not already exist.


The name of the new tag. You can use spaces if you put it in quotes, but this is not recommended.


!delete <tag>

Deletes a tag with the given name, removing the tag from any items it was associated with, and deleting any orphaned items with no tags.


The name of the tag.


!searchtags <tags> [arbitrary string]

Returns all items that match both the string specified and the tags provided. If no string is specified, just counts how many items match the query.


An arbitrary tag search using the syntax tag1|(tag2+(-tag3)), which translates to tag1 OR (tag2 AND NOT tag3), or * to search all tags.

arbitrary string

(optional) Arbitrary string to search for.


!import <source server> <source tag> [target tag]

Adds all elements from the source tag on the source server to the target tag on this server. If no target is specified, attempts to copy all items into a tag of the same name as the source. Example:

!import YourServer cool notcool

source server

The exact name of the source server to copy from, or the server ID in the form <@9999999999>

source tag

Name of the tag to copy from on the source server.

target tag

(optional) The target tag to copy to on this server. If omitted, defaults to the source tag name.